As I observe the dormancy of this blog I realize that I have been itching to write something, anything, and with Asher taking an extended nap this morning, I may have found my chance. Without a particular topic in mind, some random thoughts.
I have done really well in the last month with my new workout program. I spent some time one morning writing out a proper format, and specific exercises I can do with my home equipment for each body part. After going through the week long cycle a couple of times, I have already noticed some significant gains. I love to have something material to focus on when structuring anything in my life, and working out is no different. I had stopped working on my legs for a few months, as my random workouts seemed to gravitate towards arms, chest and shoulders. It's nice to be back to a proper rotation, as it will keep my growth in sync. I am excited about the added leg muscle when it comes time to get back on the soccer pitch. Also, I plan on ramping up my cardio work when the ice melts a little more outside.
My return to the sport of hockey has been great. I have met a number of great guys who I would likely have never met otherwise. I have got a great workout while playing, as I also give my all when on the ice. We have won most of our games, but most of the games have been true battles where our team comes off the ice drenched in sweat afterwards. My personal numbers were solid to start the year but when my lovely girlfriend bought me and new pair of skates at Christmas, goals started to explode off of my stick. Currently I am on a great streak, scoring 16 goals and 5 assists in my last 7 games. In our last game we were in a 0-0 stalemate into the second period when Mike and I connected for a beauty goal on the power play. We have been receiving complaints of being too good for the league, and I understand these complaints. The league has set up a playoff format for us and the other top teams in our division, and I really like the idea. It is likely that this is a prelude to a move to the C division for next year, something that we can probably handle as long as we don't lose our superstar goalie before next season.
Jasmine has been bouncing off the walls the last few days after I purchased a new portable hard drive, so she and we can once again watch downloaded movies on the tv. As soon as it was set up, she had to make a tough choice between "The Muppets" and "Hugo". As "The Muppets" won out, the laughs began. Jason Segal wrote the movie and starred in it. To be frank, he nailed it. Jasmine had no clue about the Muppets outside of Kermit and Piggy, but she spent most of the movie smiling and chuckling. I got sidetracked with Asher during the last half hour and will have to find another time to conclude it. Needless to say, I am glad to have the movie option available once again.
Why was I able to splurge on the new hard drive? Well, I came into some considerable luck at the local casino on the weekend. They run a series of free rolls for players who accumulate the most player points at the tables. I usually don't take part in these tournaments as they fall during my work schedule. Every 3 months they run a bigger free roll and I found myself available to take part due to a change in the casino schedule. After arriving late, I sat down an uneventfully made it through the first hour. This tourney is great value as they admit 40 players for a prize pool of $6000. If a player doesn't arrive, they are not replaced. For this one, only 29 players made it, increasing the value even further. As the second hour moved on, I found myself in the final 10. Through a couple of deft moves I survived to the top 7, when chips were getting short. I made a strong fold after raising with AK, and having someone move in with KK. I also let go of an AJ instead of pushing and hoping for a race. I caught cards at the right time and eventually "chopped" the tournament for $1750. The money will be used wisely to pay off a few small loans, and make a couple of improvements around the house. We bought the hard drive and I am going to get some new clothes for my ever growing daughter, but will sock the rest away.
Jasmine's 9th birthday is quickly making its way to the front of our minds. In just 3 weeks, she will be celebrating again. I promised her a horse riding party if she can restrict it to a couple of friends, and she quickly agreed. I have no clue if early April weather is conducive for horse riding but I better find out. If not, I guess a gift of a trail ride in the summer months will suffice. Did I mention that Jasmine is absolutely horse crazy? Her auntie Erin would be proud, as this girl with her urban Prince George upbringing has found herself drawn to horses like bees to honey. She goes to her school library once a week, and gets horse books. She goes occasionally to the city library, and gets horse books. She collects horse toys like mad, stuffies, plastic figurines, etc. She even pretends to be a horse for her brother, just like Erin used to do. She visits the exhibition grounds in downtown Prince George to say hi to the horses and give the friendly ones a pat on the head. It's time she gets on a horse for more then an 3 minute pony ride. Dad better make this happen.
I've been out this afternoon, and came back to see this page staring back at me. We had a nice afternoon, I took Jasmine browsing for some proper fitting clothing, and was happy to find a large selection at Value Village. We grabbed 3 shirts and 5 pairs of pants for 32 bucks and on our way out Jasmine told me she only likes used pants. I was excited as that will likely save me hundreds over the years if it lasts. We dropped off our library books, then went for our weekly swim. Asher is fearless and storms around the shallow end being blocked by Dad from going deeper. He fell over 3 times, each time having a second under the water, but he came up smiling every time. Unfortunately, he does not scare easily. We had our fun and made our way home.